Sunday, November 23, 2008

Resignations and Voluntary Retirements in CPMF

I think some one should undertake a study of the rate of resignations and voluntary Retirements amongst the officers and men of CPMF. The reasons are several.
First is the very tough service conditions. There is no peace posting. The only thing that changes after every three years or so are the numbers of Border Pillars and the terrain.
Earlier one could think of 2 months break from the routine in shape of Collective training at Unit Hq. But that also has gone with heavily increased deployment in election related duties. The Jawan in Army atleast is given a MSP but the Jawan of CPMF working at the same place under the same conditions do not get anything.
Second is the excuriatingly slow rate of career progression in all ranks. A Jawan becomes Hd Constable in about 18-20 years. An officer gets his first promotion in about 8-9 years and the second in same time. By the time he gets his third promotion he is already in his late 40ties. The officers and men do not see a future for themselves in the very organisation to which they give their entire youth. Firstly, there are very few avenues available and secondly a large portion of even these avenues at supervisory levels is taken away by the deputationists flleing unsympathetic political masters in states
Third is the extremely poor quality of leadership provided by these deputationists. These failed Police officers come only to enjoy a khushi time in the these forces. They want all the perks and more but do not want to solve any of the problems afflicting these forces.
Fourth is the proverbial sword of Democeles that hangs over the heads of CPMF officers always. There are court martials galore of officers and men for even minor mistakes. There is the case of one officer in one of the CPMF in which the officer has been given notice for Compulsary retirement for the very charge for which he has already been aquitted by a court martial

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