Monday, November 10, 2008


Gentleman, there is a lot of acrimony in the spectrum these days. Allegations and counter allegations flowing thick and fast: Khaki versus the Olive Green. Does it augur well for the Nation?

The sharp reactions have been provoked by the trivial issue of pay packages. A country where thousands still die of hunger and disease every year, where malnutrition amongst children is worse than the Sub-Saharan Africa, the fourth largest Army of the World and the largest group of CPMFs or CPOs in the World, take the gauntlet to slug it out for fatter pay.
Admit it or not the Indian Army has been responsible for all this mud slinging and washing of dirty linen in the public domain. The others perhaps are no match to this skill of the Army developed over the years at the expense of professionalism, integrity and patriotism. One can only expect them to mark their personal cars with the sticker of “ARMY” because they always desire special privileges even when driving on the road. Just spare a thought: Is it not symptomatic of a deep rooted archaic mindset of only seeking special treatment? In a modern day democracy it is nothing but sickness. Today, however, the issue is different.
The Army is a powerful institution in India. Combined with the might of CPMFs/CPOs it is an insurmountable entity. Why can’t we see that there is war already going on and I am not referring to the insurgencies or the naxalite violence? Our own political and administrative infrastructure has declared a war on us of corruption, apathy, injustice regionalism and communalism.
Instead of fighting for pay, let’s fight these forces and annihilate them before they devour this Nation. And let the Chief’s take the lead. They will be revered more than they will be fighting for few more pennies. And I am not suggesting an outright coup, there may be lot other ways the Army could arm twist the politicos to act only and only in National Interest. But that is possible only when the Chief’s look beyond fat pockets.
I am forty and have lived half my life. My kids are small and have a whole life ahead. Let’s do something for them and others like them. Let them not curse their destiny that they were born to Indian parents in India to live in India.

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